tech paper

Lucas Fredes
Art and Tech
Ms. Roundtree
October 20, 2018

Invention of the Tv

Inventions over time have made us create tasks easier or sometimes even get tasks done without having you to do it thanks to new technology like TV, but it has changed how we behave. TV has become one of the most influential inventions that has impacted our society in many different ways. Were now, "according to research the average American home has 2.71 televisions and 2.55 people. There are more TVs on the average home than there are people." Where it all starts back in the 1930's where the first TV was introduced in a World’s Fair.
Now, back then having TV was a luxury since the cost of a TV was about $450 where then the average household income was about $1350 a year. Later in the 1940's the invention of the TV came to a stop due to the WWII because the U.S. needed to put their efforts in developing radar technology. Now, despite the unfortunate stop the U.S. had to make to the invention of the television, the innovation persisted and later on that decade, color was introduced in screens. In the 1950 is where the TV was at its golden age, more people started buying TVs making the U.S. have roughly 8,000,000 of them in the U.S. Lots of marketing was going around the TV, all businesses had to work with such invention for their own success, meaning making commercials.
Furthermore, in the 60’s were it was a time seen as the end of the era due to the assignation of the president J.F. Kennedy and people had conflict with the government for being oppressive, and TVs started showing more news than an actual newspaper. Now, thanks to the diminishing of the television price people were able to watch everything televised. Where, “It is estimated 75 million people watched the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. The Vietnam War is the first conflict to be televised. Doctors legally advertised cigarettes”. In the 1980’s accessories like the VCR and a home game console like Nintendo was growing. Cable television came to a boom in the 80’s were owned one if they could.
One could say that later in the 1990’s is were most technological advancements were made thanks to the internet. In 1990 the amount of TVs increased roughly to 900 million televisions around the world. And lastly in the 2000’s home theater experience turned into DVD players in living rooms. With all new technology and with the help of the Internet manufacturers were able to create a better image using LCD and Plasma in larger ranges. In 2009 all televisions go digital, and “all analog televisions will go black”.
    In conclusion, this invention of the 1900’s was done with doubtfulness believing it would never change the way we view the world. Sadly to say that now, people are more attached to what it is happening on their digital world than what's on the real world. And creators, producers and scientists keep finding a way to bring entertainment to small screens. This invention was done for us for a good purpose, to keep us up to date with what is happening around us and to entertain us, but too much digital interaction is not good and separates us from the real world

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